it sends a new value every single millisecond.
#Reading wmv on mac matlab serial
But my instrument at full whack sends a data point to the serial line at 1000Hz, i.e. If it only send a value every 5s as above, no problem, keep the above mode. My program want to receive these packets and display that on a curve or a digital display. I put it in a mode where it will constantly send measurements to the serial line. Now let's unleash the full power of my instrument. (opens new window) # Mode 3: Streaming ( Real time) Only when a message arrives, it activates a function which will then read and process this message.
#Reading wmv on mac matlab Pc
The PC does not wait permanently for a message to process. Summary: In this mode, the instrument may send message to the serial line at anytime (but not necessarily all the time).
#Reading wmv on mac matlab code
The rest of the time the GUI can execute any other code it has to run.

For the 3 examples, the instrument I am connecting to is a circuit board with an inclinometer, which can work in the 3 modes I will be describing below. I'll define 3 different cases to illustrate, from the simplest to the most demanding. what other functions your main program (or GUI) will have to do aside from managing the serial port.how the instrument you are communicating with behave.It is important to chose the right communication mode. Matlab supports synchronous and asynchronous communication with a serial port. InputBufferSize = 1000000 % Open serial port fopen (s ) # Chosing your communication mode S = serial ( '/dev/ttyusb0', 'BaudRate' ,rate ) end % Set the input buffer size to 1,000,000 bytes (default: 512 bytes). S = serial ( '/dev/tty.usbserial-A104VFT7', 'BaudRate' ,rate ) elseif isunix You will % have to look at /dev/tty.* to discover the exact signature of your % serial device % Note that on OSX the serial device is uniquely enumerated. S = serial ( 'COM1', 'BaudRate' ,rate ) elseif ismac % Define serial port with a baud rate of 115200 Automatically processing data received from a serial port.

Closing a serial port even if lost, deleted or overwritten.Creating a serial port on Mac/Linux/Windows.Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) Solvers.Fourier Transforms and Inverse Fourier Transforms.